Tuesday, May 27, 2008

...They lay under the mangosteen tree, where only recently a grey old boatplant with boatflowers and boatfruit had been uprooted by a Mobile Republic. A wasp. A flag. A surprised puff. A Fountain in a Love-in-Tokyo.
The scurrying, hurrying, boatworld was already gone.
The White termites on their way to work.
The White ladybirds on their way home.
The White grasshoppers with whitewood violins.
The sad white music.
All gone.
Leaving a boat-shaped patch of bare dry earth, cleared and ready for love.

(The God of Small Things, Arundhati Roy,1997)

wat een rust!


in mei leggen alle vogels ...
deze meerkoet is wel een hele aparte verzamelaar.
zegt het iets over het zwerfvuil in de stad of over de evolutie der meerkoeten??